So cute and so small...

I needle felted the nest and leaves.

The nest is made with a natural brown wool that has a few shades of brown and some white fibers. It gives it a more natural, nest-like look.

I tried to give the leaves some extra shaping and dimension so they wouldn't look flat.

The tiny eggs were made with polymer clay. They were really tricky to bake because of their tiny size. The first set burned and turned brown almost instantly. On the second try, I had to play around with oven settings and turning the oven off soon after I put them in and then just let them sit in the heat. I had to do that a couple of times to get them to harden but not burn. I love how they turned out. The blue is perfect and I like the subtle marbling.

I attached it all to a ring blank for a cute and whimsical accessory.
I love birds and nests but there's something about teeny, tiny things that make them extra cute.
oh my gosh - so cute! what's next?!
Can this be any cuter?!?!
Inspired! How creative and original.
SO cute! I love this! I I totally agree about teeny tiny things - there's just something so squeee! about them...
I am just shaking my head over these - they are amazing! I can hardly wait to see what you make next.
You are clever! That's one of the cutest needle felting things I've ever seen! And the eggs are the perfect touch.
So lovely post... I love this ring! Congratulations for your blog, it's so nice! I have my own blog too about fashion and more:
I hope you will follow me back! XOXO
So lovely post... I'm a new follower of your blog... it's so nice! I have too my own blog about fashion and more:
I hope you will follow me back!
Love Love love this ring!!! Please tell me you are making and selling them????
So very cute and perfect! :-)
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