After I started my scarf, I noticed that the back didn't look quite as attractive as the front. I saw that a couple of Ravelers made this scarf with a reversable cable. I poked around on the internet to figure out how to do that. I kind of got the idea but wasn't sure how to change the pattern to make it work. So, I just went with the pattern, as is. As it has gotten longer, the back doesn't look so bad.
The pattern was easy to memorize and I quickly figured out a way that I could ditch the pattern. Whenever I finish row one of the repeat, I place a marker around one of the knit stitches on the front of the scarf. With the marker, I can easily identify where I am. I can count the rows and know that it's time to cable whenever I get to row eight. Not having to fiddle with a pattern or keep track with notes makes this a relaxing knit.

I'm not using a fabulous yarn. It's just Bernat acrylic....dino fiber. I'm using size 9 needles which make it feel a bit softer than the 8's recommended on the label. But, it's still a bit stiff and plasticy...as expected. But, it was only about $4 for 445 yards! I should resist acrylic but the color was nice and I was longing for a worsted weight project that I could start on right away. I don't have any local yarn shops now. Shops have been closing over the past few years. The closest ones are 30 minutes to an hour drive away and I don't really like those. So, craft store yarn is my only choice for quick yarn. That means lots of acrylic choices. But, I'm having fun and it will be virutally indestrucable, right?...unless it melts. lol
I love how the cables rise up out of the ribbing - that's really pretty. Too bad about the acrylic, though. I had never heard it referred to as "Dino fiber" before. That's a hoot!
What ribbing did you do?
Jeanette - It's been a while so I don't really remember but I'm pretty sure I just followed the pattern. :-)
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