Notice the dirt in her teeth, on her tongue, and in her beard. lol Here's what she did...
We had just brought home some bags of soil and a bunch of plants for our back yard. We went inside for a moment and when we came out we saw Salsa hard at work. She's such a funny girl. She always tries to help and we truly believe that. When we pull weeds she starts trying to pull them up too. When we trim plants, she starts tugging on the branches. When I trim old roses off the rose bushes, she bites the roses and pulls them off. It's like she really understands what's going on and wants to help. So sweet!
I made sure she understood that she could hang out but that we didn't need her help and I went on plant my 2010 herb garden and some flowers for our patio. She went back to playing, running a-muck and checking on us from time to time. The weather on Saturday was beautiful and we spent as much time outside as we could to enjoy it as much as possible. We gardened, dined, and relaxed in our backyard a lot. It was wonderful! I tried another recipe with lemons from our tree too. It was sooooo tasty! It was Meyer Lemon Sorbet. It was super easy and so good.
I can just tell that she's saying, "Mom, don't you want my help?" SO CUTE! At least she didn't eat your tasty herbs.
Salsa is so cute!! Glad she likes to help!
Bailey likes to eat dirt from certain parts of the trail when we go for walks. And if we're ever digging....he wants to dig too. (Not always in the most helpful ways.)
Boy She is such a beautiful puppy!
She loves her family very much too
thats why she tries to help you with what she can. Smart girl! I look forward to seeing her on Wednesday.
so jealous of you being able to plant, let alone the lemon tree in your yard. I love Canada, but at this time of year - I want to get out in my garden!
That cannot taste good. But, she was wanting to help, so what's a little dirt in the teeth?
She is a cutie!!!
Adorable doesn't even cover how fabulous that face is!
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