I realize I've been a little absent lately on my blog. That's because a lot has been going on...
Knitting? Yes. I'm almost done with my magic/stash shawl. That's good because the fashion show/show and tell is less than two weeks away. I've been working on my vest too. I'm almost up to the arm hole shaping on the back. The Olympic shawl has been in time-out since I fixed my mistakes. I'll need to get excited about it again. That'll probably happen when I finish the stash shawl. I didn't even come close to getting a medal for the 2010 knitting olympics. Oh well.
Needle felting? Yup, that too! I'm working on a lil' black bear. I'm so excited about it and hope to have him finished soon. I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as it's done.
What else?! Buying a new camping trailer! Yay! We are soooo excited! We had our last trailer (which was our first one) for about ten years. We used it a lot and made a lot of wonderful memories with it. It's small, 19' size was great for towing and fitting into campsites. But, it was a bit cramped with three adults (our daughter is now 18), a cat and a 50lb dog. And, we became tired of having to fold up the table to make one of the beds, which was very uncomfortable, despite all our efforts and many bed toppers to try to make it better. It was time for something a little bigger and with a few extra features.
We have looked on and off this past year but the timing wasn't right and we hadn't found the right one...until last week. It's not brand new but the previous owners only used it three times. So, it looks almost new but it cost about a third of what a new one would and it fits perfectly into our budget. It has just about every feature we were hoping for and then some. It even matches our Yukon...
It's only about four and a half feet longer than our old one but it has a separate bedroom with a queen sized bed, a sofa, a really nice sized kiten, bunk beds, a separate door and storage area for bikes, a slide out dinette area, and so much more.
We picked it up on Saturday and, despite the pouring rain, we couldn't wait to try it out. So, we loaded up a few things, stopped at the grocery store, and went camping for the night at Vail Lake Resort, just east of Temecula.
Sunday was absolutely gorgeous! The sun was shining, it was warm, and everything was clean, fresh, and sparkling with drops of water left over from the rain. The trees are getting ready to bud out for spring and a few flowers are starting to show their pretty, colorful faces. We saw a gorgeous blue bird but it was very hard to get a picture because it kept flying away. This is the best I got...blown up to see it....
We had a lot of fun and we can't wait to go on vacation! We think this trailer is going to work out really nicely.
P.S. It has lots of extra storage to fit my knitting projects and any fabulous yarns I may find on our travels. :-)
I grew up in a camping family and Scott and I owned a camper for a few years. At time I miss it, still. Especially the campfire at night with the smoke and the sparks and the glow... Maybe I miss it more than I thought? :)
Have lots of fun and I can hardly wait to see what the Lil Black Bear looks like.
Looks like so much fun! Congratulations! Plus, I love the bluebird photo. Nice job!
I love camping... the new 'home' is fantastic. That extra 4ft is going to make life on the road even better than before.
the extra storage for knitting was just the icing on the cake - Enjoy!
We've been wanting a trailer for a while, but haven't taken the plunge. I figure when we do I'll want to be away all the time LOL..
I'm glad you found storage for yarn and needles as that's an important camping ritual LOL..
I'm so happy for you! My husband and I have often dreamed of taking a long trip with a Camper Trailer...adding knitting though? That sound's like heaven!
So much good stuff going on in this post!! Congrats on all your knitting progress. I love the yarn you're using for the shawl!
And congrats on the new-to-you camper. Seems like you got a great deal on something you'll enjoy for years. Can't beat that!!
More space for yarn is always a good thing!
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