Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fresh Lavender

Mmmmm...Fresh Lavender.

My local Trader Joe's finally had fresh bunches of lavender in their flower section.
Yay!  I've heard of people finding it at their Trader Joe's and I've been waiting and
watching for it at mine.  They finally had it!  I hope it becomes a regular item!
We enjoyed it in a vase for about a week.  When it dried, 
I clipped of the top half of the bunch and removed the flowers.
The smell is heavenly!


Lenora said...

Remember to use some in the wool stash. It definitely helps to keep the flying critters away.

RodPrjónar said...

Oh How I miss fresh lavender!
There is a lot of it in Santiago... there are huge plants decorating the streets... and the smell... hummm!

roxie said...

I have a friend who grows lavender, I harvest, and we split the results. Christmas sachets for everyone!

Judy S said...

I had lavender in my yard when it was water hog landscaping, and I have a couple plants now that it's drought tolerant. The water hog lavender was more colorful & fragrant for a longer period of time, but the drought tolerant is doing fine. :-)

life in red shoes said...

You know we get a Traders here by the end of the year?
Can you spell HAPPY?
I love love love the scent of lavender, soothing yet fresh. I use Mrs. Meyers lavender scented dishsoap, aromatherapy for your dishes ;)