Monday, July 22, 2013

Great News!

Thanks to the hard work of fire fighters and mother nature, containment on the Mountain Fire
has risen to 68%.  Humidity increased over the weekend, temperatures dropped, rained! Evacuation orders have been lifted and residents have returned home.  Yay!  
Hopefully, the fire will be completely out very soon.

Much of the mountain burned, a few houses were lost, trail areas burned and wildlife habitat
was destroyed.  However, word has it from Idyllwild residents that when you're in town
you can't even tell there was a fire.  That's awesome news!

Plans are being made by Idyllwild businesses and many of us flat-landers to go up next weekend to celebrate and show our support.  Area businesses had to close their doors and went without customers for almost a week.  I'm sure that our support will be greatly appreciated.  Idyllwild is a wonderful place to go....beautiful, cool, relaxing, tasty food, shopping, biking, hiking and so much more.  
See you on the mountain!  :-D


Cindie said...

Wow, that is great news! I can't believe how few houses were lost with the magnitude of the fire. What it has done to the terrain will take a long time to recover, but it will. If I lived down there I'd go shop this coming weekend too to lend my support.

gilly said...

Good news indeed! :-)