These were first two figs of the season from our back yard fig tree. We picked these last week. It was the first of many. Tonight, I picked a whole bowl full and there are lots more on the tree. They're so sweet and delicious! They almost taste like honey was drizzled inside.
Last year the ants were getting into them so badly that we hardly had any for ourselves. I heard that coffee grounds spread around the base of a plant can keep the ants away. I decided to give it a try and, so far, it seems to be working. Yay! I think I'm going to start spreading coffee grounds around my roses and other plants too!
again you make me yearn for a more temperate climate! I love my part of Canada and have no plans to leave, but we have to BUY our figs...
Coffee grounds are one of the best things you can put in your flowerbeds and around your plants. Our local coffee shops keep buckets of used grounds in the back part of the store and you just take your own container and fill it up every evening. The grounds keep slugs and snails away too and they break up clay soil really well.
starbucks has them for free often. Just check when you are in the area.
First Leigh and now you with figs. I'm going to have to try them. They sound delicious and look so pretty.
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