Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Sweet Salsa

I was doing pretty good at getting more regular with blogging and then life got crazy again!  It's been good and sad.

The good is that our daughter graduated with her master's degree in May and has moved back home.  We're so proud of her!  She's working hard now to find a job.

The sad is that our sweet dog, Salsa, left us just over a week ago.  Her health (kidney disease) had been declining and took a sharp turn downhill to the point that we had to let her go.  There was nothing that could be done to help her and it was obvious that it was time but it's been so much harder than I'd imagined.  She'd been with us for almost 12 years and, since I stay at home so much, she was an almost constant companion.  It feels like there's a hole in my heart and in our home.  It seems like she should still be here, or on the back patio looking sweetly through the window, playing with her toys, and just being the sweet, smart, happy, and beautiful girl she always was.

I've cried and cried.  Late in the afternoon of the day we let her go, I thought it might be better to put our sad energy into a hike rather than just sitting at home and crying.  So, that's what we did.  Hubby, our daughter, and I hit the trail.  I hiked in honor of her and thought of how much she would have enjoyed it.  We made a heart around a flower that was sunshiny like her.

She was the sweetest, smartest, happiest, and most beautiful dog I've ever had.  She was even adorable when she needed a haircut!

She was even more beautiful after she'd been groomed.  She was so cute!  People often said she looked like a stuffed animal.  We even experienced people stopping their cars when we walked her so they could ask about her.  She was a great girl!  This picture was from a camping trip.  She always loved to go bye-bye!  I miss that beautiful face, sweet eyes, and her smile!

She loved laying her her little cot/hammock when we went camping.

She loved going for walks and hiking.  We got her some boots a couple years ago.  It protected her feet on trails that had lots of rocks or gravel.  And, it kept her from getting hurt on all our Arizona trips when the pavement was blazing hot.  She walked funny with them in the beginning but soon realized they were great and didn't mind wearing them.  Adorable!  There's that smile!

She was my walking partner at home.  She walked great on a leash and rarely pulled.  I could tell that she loved going for walks because she'd nose bump my hand and look up at me like she was thanking me and telling me how much fun she was having.

She knew a ton of tricks...she could, sit, lay down, shake, high five, hit something (like the bell we hung by the door for when she wanted to go outside), weave through our legs, cha cha (go back and forth between our knees like dancing), spin, rewind, and so much more.  She was awesome!  And, she is SO missed!


Dandy Duke said...

We are so very sorry to read this. Our thoughts and prayers to out to you and your family. Godspeed Salsa♥

Cindie said...

I'm teary eyed just reading this. My heart goes out to you and your family over the loss of such a special family member. Salsa will always be remembered in a special place your hearts. My best to you all.

Debbie said...

So very sorry for your loss. Our fur babies are family.

take care

mamasmercantile said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Congratulations to your daughter on her great achievement.

Pickyknitter75 said...

I am so sorry that you had to say goodbye to Salsa. She was amazing and a well-loved family member.

cristina said...

First of all, congratulations for your daughter!
Then, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. RIP, Salsa.

Delighted Hands said...

Sending a hug. She was a wonderful companion for you and will be sorely missed. I'm so sorry.

Susan said...

I am so sorry - my heart just breaks for you. They leave such a big hole when they die. I'm glad you have the 'girls' to help you through. And how wonderful to have your daughter home! Sending love and healing your way.

Laurie said...

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl! Cherish those memories!

Mereknits said...

Oh no! I am so sorry for your loss. Our babies are so special to us and they give us so much love. My thoughts are with you and I want you to know I will be experiencing the same thing in the not to distant future. My Max is fading, I am blessed each day he is still here. Good news about your daughter, she will help you get through this tough time.