I finished knitting a bowl a few weeks ago and it's been sitting and waiting to be felted. I finally did this week!
I learned how to knit an i-cord right onto the top! That was so cool!...
Here it is after felting. It's nice and thick and holds the shape of the bowl edge very nicely...
Here's the whole thing before felting...
And, after...It's so cute! Now, all I need to do is give it a little haircut (it has mohair in it) and add some needle felted sheep, clouds, trees, etc...
My sister-in-law was given a few fleeces years ago and we sent them off to be processed into roving. I enjoyed spinning and spinning and spinning it (there was a lot) and I've knitted with it. This week, I pulled out what was left and wound it into balls and wet felted them. I'll use these to decorate with needle felting and pretty colors of wool...
I finally finished warping my loom this week and started weaving yesterday. I'm already on my third bobbin. I don't know why I don't do this more often. It's a lot of fun! Here's how this project is turning out, so far...
I finished winding all of the yarn on bobbins this morning. At the rate it's weaving up, it should be done in no time. Well, if I can stay focused that is. lol
I'm really happy with the selvedges. They're hardly pulling in at all...
In between those things, I've been knitting on my Olympic Shawl. I started it at the beginning of the year but it's gone in and out of time out as I've gotten interested in other things or frustrated with it or bored with it. I'm trying to keep working on it so I can get it done.
I also harvested another batch of fresh basil from my herb garden this week. I processed it and put it into the freezer for the winter. I need to dry some of the oregano and other herbs too. And, I've been doing house cleaning, laundry and I've been wasting a whole lot of time on Facebook and playing solitaire and majong on my laptop. I need to focus! I need to focus! lol