Red Leaf...
And, the Mexican Lavender is smells soooo good...
I'm so spoiled by the Southern California weather and warm temps we usually have. I've turned into a wimp when it comes to cold and it seems like we've had a very long winter. I'm sooo ready for warm again! The weather this week is such a treat! But...I heard on the radio this morning that we'll be having cold "wintery" weather again this weekend. So, we'll be back to warm clothes, hot food and warm drinks. But...I'll be ready and waiting for the next sunshiny, warm, wonderful day! :-)
I've never grown lettuce before and Thursday actually bought some to plant. At least yours were cheaper. I'm assuming you planted seeds. Sorry I didn't come tonight. Every Friday night is difficult. Wednesday might work, though.
Actually, I didn't plant seeds either, I got plants. We usually don't have much luck with seeds.
I'm still waiting for our ground to thaw - no planting for a couple of months here! At least I can drool vicariously through your lettuces...
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