Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I just don't think I can take it anymore! I started knitting the "Gabriel's Wings" shawl over a year ago and it's still not done! HERE is the original post. It's been in time-out many times because it's just NO FUN! I've made silly mistakes on it, gotten confused as to where I was/am, and this project is just plain boring. I'm attempting to finish up projects that have been sitting around. I'm just not sure I can finish this one. I've probably knitted about 2/3 to 3/4 of the yarn ball but that last bit...I just don't know if I can do it! Would it be crazy to rip it all out and use the yarn for a project that's actually FUN?! Have you ever gotten that far on a project and not been able to make yourself finish it? Have you ripped out that much work? I mean...this shawl is pretty...but...


  1. I have felt that way about a few projects - I don't think you are alone in that regard at all!

  2. Oh but the colors are so pretty... Are you sure? It will be really nice once you get through it :)

  3. Rip it. You'll feel much better about whatever you make with the yarn. I've not only ripped almost done projects I've ripped totally finshed sweaters and shawls. If you love the yarn, make something you love.

  4. I haven't ripped out that much, but I've encouraged people to. And part of me wants to encourage you....but it is a really cool-looking shawl and would go with a lot of things....so I'm not sure.

    Is there some way you can do it tiny bits at a time? Like 5 minutes a day? I just finished a month of sewing for 7 minutes a day, and I got through a stack of things that I had been hating and dreading without much pain at all.

    Or rip it out....only you can decide!


  5. Yeah, frog-it. I have 3 things that have been put back so many time that I don't even claim them as UFO's, we could call them alien's from another solar system.


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