Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Baa Baa Bowl Sheep

I'm on a mission to complete projects that have been sitting in time out. I finished a pair of socks earlier this week. Today, I finished needle felting sheep onto a knitted and felted bowl that I made months ago. I originally blogged about it HERE.

The bowl...

One sheep...

Two sheep...

Three sheep...

It's done and that feels good. However, I can't say that I love it. I really think the green should have been greener (the blue is bluer in real life). And, now that it's done, I'm not sure what I will do with it. But, it's one less thing on my to-do list. Now, it's back to the shawl I blogged about yesterday and deciding what to do with it or the troublesome vest or those started-long-ago Pomatomus socks. Hmmmm?


  1. I personally love the bowl... So cute. Please keep it so that others can enjoy it too :)

  2. It's a ridiculously cute bowl! I especially love the jumping sheep.

  3. Oh Sandra is right - it is soooo cute but it is a fabulous feeling that whatever the outcome, a finished project feels good in large measure because of its "finishedness!"

  4. I have an idea, can you put a grommet in it and make it a yarn bowl? That would be so cool, at least I think so. I love it it's way too cute.

  5. Love it! Those sheep have so much energy and personality to them!

  6. I really like the grommet/yarn bowl idea!

  7. I love this piece-your needle felted rings were very neat as well-but this is my favorite so far Kathy


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