Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Knotty Knitting

A few months ago I started THIS vest. It was going along just fine until I started working on the neckline ribbing. I became frustrated and confused and put the whole project into time out!

I decided to pull it out this week and finish it. I tried to get some help with the problems I was having. Which, now, I realize weren't that bad...maybe I should have just left those two little I was advised by one talented knitter. But, no, I had to try and fix them. From there, everything started to spiral downward very quickly. As I tried to fix problems, new ones appeared. Each problem was worse than the last. Eventually, it was so bad that I considered ripping out the entire vest! Ugh!

I took another deep breath and kept trying to fix the mess I had created. The problems went from things like this...

To..."Oh NO! I was pulling out the wrong yarn!!"...

How did this happen? The yarn went through itself!...

There was no turning back. I had to forge ahead and try to save it...

The problem fixing progressed from trying to fix holes to deconstructing it back to just a front and back, un-seaming the shoulders. The first shoulder went badly but this one was actually working! Hey! I pulled the right yarn this time!...

Whew! The front and back were separated. One shoulder bind off was saved. The other was not...'s on a stitch holder awaiting surgery...

Then, I was on to the back. Three strands of yarn?!! Huh??...

I got it figured out. I even had to take out the bound off sides for the shoulders and rip back a few rows. Now it's on a circular needle waiting for surgery...

I'm sure glad I had my trusty little tool to help me through this disaster! It has a hook on one side and a needle on the other. Very handy!

This project is back in time out! I have spent so many hours working on this over the past few days and I've just gone backwards. I'm going to stay away from it for a few days, at least. I'm hoping that I'll have better luck when I go back to it...if I go back to it. I'm still feeling a bit frustrated with it right now.

I never would have imagined that this could happen. I understand what I'm suppose to do. It seems like it should be easy. It's just a matter of picking up stitches and knitting a 2x2 ribbing. Maybe my knitting mojo is on vacation. I wonder when it will come home?

1 comment:

  1. So frustrating! Go back to it in a little while and you'll figure it out. It will be really cute!


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