Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Crafty Girl

Our craft studio is just about finished. All that's left is window treatments and finishing up the things we plan to hang on the walls. We've been so busy using it that we haven't worked on that stuff much. I'm actually a little surprised at how excited my daughter has been over it and how often I see her in there working on something. Her friends even ask to see it when they come over. They're excited too! Who knew?! I even had a conversation with my daughter and some of her friends about having craft nights once a month or so. We could plan a project and they'll all chip in a little money for supplies and we'll all have a fun evening of crafting, snacking and fun. And, they'll get to learn some craft skills. That's something I've heard so many of her friends say over the years...how they'd love to learn to do crafty things.

Here's a little something my daughter made in the studio, a tote bag. Isn't it cute?!...

She got the quilted fabric on clearance and used things in our crafting stash to make the handles, pocket, and button flowers...

I think she's pretty happy with it because she immediately put it into use and takes it just about everywhere she goes. I love that! :-)


  1. Wow! She did an awesome job designing that tote and I adore the button flowers - I see some of your talent has rubbed off.

    A crafting night. Oh, I envy her! I wish I could have done that as a kid.

  2. That is a cool tote!

    Craft nights sound like a great idea!! I'm thinking about doing something along those lines myself this fall....although I'll ask friends to just bring whatever project they want to work on.

    Have fun!


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