Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Couldn't Help Myself!

I know...I'm on a yarn diet.  I'm trying to destash.  I've been resisting buying more yarn.
I've been working like crazy on projects using stash.  I've been doing really good! could I resist this?!...

It's Berroco Boboli Lace and all of those colors are irresistible!

It kind of makes it ok because I'm going to use it for a yarn store sample.
And, hopefully, the FO will look so great that it'll bring me more crochet students.
So, it's all good...right?  lol  Of course it's yarn...yarn is great!

Oh goody...time to start a new project!!!  :-)


  1. OMG that is gorgeous!!!! I'd probably have to buy about 10 skeins of that.

  2. I would so love a poncho made out of that yarn. Gorgeous!

  3. Yes, I would have given in and bought that skein(s), too! Beautiful.

  4. Absolutely yes, new yarn is always good - and even more so when it serves a specific purpose like that! ;-)
    It's lovely, have fun making it up into something beautiful.

  5. That yarn would be a difficult one to resist! Can't wait to see your new project. BTW your time spent at the ocean looks amazing. You sure know how to enjoy yourself no matter where you end up! I think I'd like to sit and watch the sunset over that beautiful shoreline as well. Wendy

  6. gorgeous yarn, I couldnt have resisted either-lol kathy

  7. Oh, darn you. Now I will have to locate some myself. And no reason to feel guilty - we'd all be behind you in line at the yarn store, giant stash or not!

  8. Squeee! What yummy yarn! Whach gonna make? Pictures, puleeze!

  9. I too am on a yarn diet and have been trying to destash. I've been stalking this yarn on the Internet. I tried to find it in a yarn shop while on vacation this summer, but was told it was new for fall and not in yet. My lys got some in recently and posted pics on their blog. I haven't been in to see it yet in person. I'm afraid I won't have the willpower to resist it! I can't wait to see how your shawl works up. Beautiful yarn and a great pattern are sure to be a winner!

  10. I love it when you add to your project list. ;-) it's really beautiful. I totally understand.


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