Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Did It!

A few years ago, I opened up a little fiber arts shop at the local farmer's market. It seemed like a great place. I was selling comes from a farm. It fit into so much of what I believe in and love...a place that was down to earth, natural, creative...real...It's hard to explain. And, the rent was cheap. It seemed like the perfect first step to eventually owning my own yarn shop.

It was so exciting to have my own little store. I did lots of research, opened accounts with vendors, got everything ready, loaded up my SUV on Friday nights, left early on Saturday mornings, set up my shop, did spinning demonstrations, and had lots of fun! However, there were a couple of problems...most of the people that went to the farmer's market were just there for fruit and veggies; I was tucked into a corner, away from where most of the people were shopping; having wool around food vendors didn't work (it could absorb the odors); and rain or hot sun don't work well with wool. Needless to say, my little shop didn't last long.

I've sold beautiful rovings and supplies since then at fiber parties in my home, to friends and people that I meet, and on Ebay. Enough that I've even been able to order more. And, I had every intention of opening a shop on Etsy. In fact, I opened an account quite a while ago but didn't list anything. I wasn't sure about shipping, etc. I let fear get the best of me. Until today! I did it! I finally did it! I listed three items in my Etsy shop. I'm so proud of myself! It may sound silly, I know. But, what can I say?!

If it works out, I think it could be a lot of fun, at the very least. And, I could even make some money...that would be great! I listed three things for now...until I'm sure I have the shipping and other things figured out. If all goes well, I hope to list a lot more very soon. Be sure to stop by and see my shop. The shop name is AcornFiberArts (Acorn to Oak was already taken). Wish me luck! And, let me know what you think.


  1. I am so happy you did this. The rovin in browns is beautiful, though I not normally a brown fan. I really like them all. You Go girl!!


  2. Your roving looks great! Despite trying a spinning wheel over the weekend, I'm not a spinner (yet).

    Congratulations on opening your Etsy shop. I'll be interested to hear about your experience with it.


  3. wishing you luck, just before heading over to the shop to take a peek...

  4. Congrats! Love the colors of the roving and that you took the plunge into Etsy. Very brave and courageous.

  5. Congratulations!!! Give me a couple of months, and I'll be there on Etsy with you, although I'll be selling different stuff.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope you sell lots and lots!!!


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