Saturday, August 29, 2009


I've had a small floor loom for almost 20 years and I have used it for many projects. But, I tend to take long breaks in between. It's been over a year since my last weaving project and I've been wanting to weave again for a while. I even visited a weaving guild in January in an attempt to get me going. I've been meaning to get started on something ever since and have mulled over my options using stash yarns. Last week I looked through my stash and a cone of lumpy, bumpy, pink yarn called to me. I quickly got started measuring out my warp, threading the loom, and weaving...

Since I tend to be a tight weaver...very tight warp and beating those weft threads very tightly into place...I thought it might be a good idea to try to weave something loose and open.

It looked nice on the loom and when I pulled it off I instantly fell in love with the drape of this pretty little pink scarf.

I'm calling it Bubblicious because the color reminds me of bubble gum and the lumpy, irregular texture feels relaxed and fun. I'm really happy with how well the selvedges turned out...very straight and even. I'm hoping that the loose weave will hold up and the threads will stay in place. I'm thinking that the lumps and bumps will help to lock them into place. Either way, I figure it was worth a try.

As I had this laying out on a table to finish off the ends, knotting along the edges and the end of each thread to keep them from reminded me of the pink scarves people make and wear for breast cancer awareness...and the pink ribbon symbol...

That got me thinking...I believe that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So, how about a little challenge? weave, knit, or crochet a pink scarf yourself before October? September will be starting in just a couple of days. That gives you just over a month to complete it...or two months to finish it before the end of October. Email a picture of your finished pink scarf and I'll post it on here with a link to your blog. I'm thinking that, if there are several participants, I could find a fun prize and do a random drawing for a winner. If you get a mammogram or have had one in the past year or two (because early detection is the key to saving lives), I will put your name in the drawing twice, to double your chances of winning. What do you think?


  1. Cheryl this turned out so beautiful! I absolutely love the loose weave of it, and the texture is perfect as well. I need to learn to do this as I have envisioned all types of scarves after seeing this one.

    I also love the idea of the pink scarf/shawl by the end of October, and the double entry for a mammo is brilliant!

  2. Wow! Your scarf turned out beautifully! I love it. Let's see, I had a Mammo last week. And, I have a ton of leftover pink yarn from my sweater. I'll see what I can come up with. Great idea!


  3. It's beautiful! I instantly thought of the Breast Cancer ribbon campaign.

    I'm over due for a mamo.... but with the new insurance will be getting one in a month.

    I'm off to look at my stash.

  4. Gorgeous scarf! Thanks for the pink scarf idea! I'm almost done designing and knitting a neck warmer and as soon as I'm done posting that pattern, I'm going to start working on a pink one for this. Great idea!!!

  5. I always get a mammo in Oct. My Mom and I go together.

  6. I have heard so much about your blog and I finally took the time to read it. It is wonderful and will now be a regular read! I love your woven pink scarf and now we need to talk weaving. How do I get started? Already had my mammo this year and will try to get a pink scarf knit this month too. Great idea!

  7. I think that's a lovely, lovely idea and the scarf is way beyond lovely!


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