Sunday, January 16, 2011


Warm weather is paying us a much appreciated visit. It feels sooo good after months of cold! We were so excited about the warmer temps that we packed up our RV and went to the beach for three nights and four days! It felt so good to thaw out, relax and enjoy the amazing views. Check out this sure to click on the picture and enlarge it for full, warm weather, sunset enjoyment...Oh...and notice the paddle boarders and surfers watching the sunset...

In the foreground of the top photo, there are some small birds. I don't think I've ever seen this kind before. They might be migrating through. They sat near the water in groups. I had to get a closer look. I like the reflections of them on the sand...

They moved as a group and it was either very smooth or the whole group bounced up and down. As we got closer, we found out why. They all stand around on one leg and pivot to see things. They even move around on one leg, hopping! Thus, the bouncing/hopping movement of the group. At first, I wondered if they all had only one leg. But, then one of them scratched with it's other leg. Later, they all used both legs when the group wanted to move faster and that's when they moved smoothly. They're adorable!

These plants were lying on the beach. They're so delicate and pretty. They remind me of ferns or feathers...

Salsa enjoyed the warm weather too! We took her on long walks on the beach where she enjoyed splashing in the water and some good old fashioned digging time. At camp, she spent time lounging on a chair...

A camping trip at San Elijo/Cardiff By The Sea wouldn't be complete without a trip to the "Seaside Market"! It's a wonderful little market with lots of organic and exotic produce, fresh sausages that they make each day and lots of other amazingly yummy treats! I just had to take a picture of this beautiful heirloom tomato that we got...

The weather has been slowly warming since about Wednesday. It was in the mid 70's when we were at the beach. Today, at home, it was in the 80's. Ahhhhh! I'm soaking up every minute of it before it cools down again next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. That tomato looks so delicious. Love the shots from the beach, gorgeous! I miss living near the beach. Have a great week.


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