Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Creamy Cables

I saw a pattern on Ravelry a few weeks ago that I instantly fell in love with and had to make. It's called "Cranberry Sauce" (the original was made with red yarn). I love the look, the chunky yarn, and I love knitting cables. I just had to make it...even though it required the purchase of two new pairs of circular needles in sizes I didn't have!

I'm not in love with the results though. The yarn I used worked fine but it smells awful and it's really itchy...even on my head! It was Bernat Alpaca. The color was just what I wanted and the price was great but I'll never use this yarn again! I might make the hat again though...but, definitely, with a different yarn!


  1. Wow, I love it! That stinks the yarn wasn't what you expected, but it looks great.

  2. I've never tried Bernat Alpaca, but have used Knit Pick Alpaca and love it you might want to try it. Love the pattern!

  3. oh i love it! i'm sorry it's itchy!

    the beautiful cable details show up so well in the white.

  4. Rach was just looking for a hat pattern like this. Thanks!


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