Sunday, September 19, 2010

Swirly Bag

I just finished up a little knit bag. It's swirly and cute and it's made out of one of my favorite kinds of yarn, Sugar N Cream. I bought four skeins in this "Country Side Ombre" color a couple of years ago and have been on the look out for just the right pattern. I recently ran across the "Jamaica Pouch" pattern on Ravelry and thought it might be a great match for my yarn. I think it worked out pretty well...

For the drawstrings, I used ribbon and beads to dress it up a bit...

I love the ruffly top when it's closed...

The bottom is kind of swirly too, but in a different way...

This fun little project only took two little skeins of Sugar N Cream (about 190 yards) with size seven needles. That means I still have two skeins left! The cost of this bag was practically nothing because the yarn was only a couple of dollars, the pattern was free, and I had everything else.

The greens are fairly accurate in the photos but it actually has purples and lavenders in it, not blue. I tried to correct it through editing but it just wouldn't work. It's actually a lot prettier in person. :-)


  1. It's really pretty! I love the how the stripes align on the bottom. AND you used your stash. I'm so impressed!

  2. Love it!!!

    I'll try to resist the temptation to cast on more.

    Must. Finish. Something!!

  3. I love it! I've been wanting to make something with that yarn forever.

  4. lovely! I think I even have that colourway in the stash (must go dig through...) That's a perfect pattern for my niece who has been asking for something similar - thanks for doing the legwork for me!

  5. Oh good heavens! I used that yarn in a sweater vest (my first)! I loved it and I paired it with solid purple and solid green to match those in the "ombre."

    Cool little bag! How sweet and handy. I love bags. :)

  6. Oh Cheryl! I LOVE your swirly bag! Now....I MUST make one...too cool!

    Vanessa in Oklahoma

  7. cool! I love the sweet touches of the ribbon and beads.


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