Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Framed - Extreme Makeover

I've been working on some projects for my craft studio for a few months now and I think I'm at the point that I can start sharing what I've been up to. The projects are almost all complete and ready to hang up to create my "inspiration wall".

I scored this frame last November (or, maybe it was the year before) at a church rummage sale for only $5! I couldn't believe what I had found and that it hadn't been snatched up already. Especially, as I carried it out the door and people were gasping at what a great piece it is! I have to admit though that it took a while to work up the courage to paint it. I always wonder if it's ok to change something like this and if it will diminish it's value or specialness. But, in the end, I went for it! After all, this gold finish is a little gross and there were some chips and dings (you can click on the pictures to enlarge them and get a better look at the details)...

There is a lot of detail and that required careful painting, several coats and touch ups to get all that gold covered up. I used black craft paint and satin, water based craft varnish for this makeover...

Look at it now! It's amazing! All those dings and chips have completely disappeared! It went from dingy and ugly to sophisticated and elegant. It looks even better in person! My husband put a piece of galvanized metal into it so I can use it as a magnet board...

The frame is just over 33"x33". The total cost of purchase and makeover supplies was about $35.

Why did I paint it black? And, why did I add galvanized metal to such an elegant frame? You'll have to stay tuned to find out. :-)

P.S. I'm only posting close ups right now to show the detail. If I post a picture of the whole thing, the details wouldn't show up very well because it's so large. I'll definitley show the whole thing when it's up on the wall with everything else I'll be showing you. :-)


  1. Because even your notes have class. -- that's my guess.

  2. Oh, you are such a tease! Give us a wide angle photo of the room...

  3. Oh, man! That black paint really dressed that frame up - made it from a bit gaudy to really classy. You are such an inspiration!


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