Thursday, September 9, 2010

Busy as a Bee

I wanted to save this picture for a "Floral Friday" post but it fits perfect for this week and an update on what I've been up to. It's a busy little bee that I saw on our recent weekend in the mountains...

I like to post several times a week but I'm finding that hard to do this week. First, Monday was a holiday and it's kind of messed with my inner calendar....what day is this anyway?! And, I've been busy with so many sort of a non-focused way. That makes it hard to create a complete post about any of the things I've been up to. But, I can say that I've been cooking, measuring out warp for a weaving project, knitting a new project, cleaning, felting another project, doing laundry, listing things in my Etsy shop, planning crochet projects, planning sewing projects, refinancing the mortgage, visiting with knit friends, walking, and today my dad is having surgery and I'll be hanging out with my mom in the waiting room. I'm hoping to get more focused soon so I can finish up a few things and take pictures. Whew! No wonder I've been tired and going to bed early!


  1. sounds like a busy week, Cheryl. Knitting a NEW project? Do tell! You must be felting the bowl. Hopefully you'll like it now. If I wrote out my list maybe I'd understand why I'm not accomplishing much. I'll be in Murrieta next week. Maybe I can join the knitters.

  2. best of luck to your dad - waiting rooms are great for knitting...


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