Friday, August 13, 2010

Floral Friday

For anyone who's been reading my blog for a while, you know that I love flowers. It doesn't matter what kind...if it's blooming, I'm fascinated! This flower is no exception. Can you tell what this pretty orb of little buds is?...

Here's one that is blooming...

Check out the size of this thing!...

Here's a hint...

It's an onion!

These were in my mother-in-law's garden. The flowers were so pretty and the onions were delicious!


  1. I was going to say Allium. ;-)

  2. I was going to say garlic. I love the way all the Allium family grows in a sphere like that.

  3. Wow! What a pretty flower - I guess we harvested our before they flowered. Too bad, because it is relly very delicate looking.

  4. That is a great looking flower, I've never seen and onion flower before.


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