Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Standin' on the Corner

After a week in Sedona, we headed north east to Colorado. It was a long drive that day but, as always, we try to break it up by stopping for meals and to see things. One of the stops that day was in...

See what's sitting in the window of this mural?...

See that guy "standin' on the corner"? And, do you see the "flatbed Ford" in the back ground?...

Yup! We were "standin' on the corner in Winslow, Arizona...it was such a fine sight to see..." They have a whole corner dedicated to the Eagles and their song, "Take It Easy". We figured that we might as well stop and see it since we were passin' through. Check out the "girl in the flatbed Ford" on the mural behind my daughter...

Here's my daughter standin' next to the flatbed Ford. I had imagined an older truck and not such good condition...

The truck and statue are in front of a brick wall (the wall looks like it use to be the side of an old building) with a mural. On the other side of the wall is "Standin' on the Corner Park". We read about it in our AAA book but there are no signs in the park and no benches...nothing...just grass, dirt, some small trees, and the park is really small...

This was painted on the wall of an old building down the street. I thought it was kinda cool...

Next stop...Mancos, Colorado...just outside of the Mesa Verde National Park. And...yup...were were listening to the Eagles CD along the way. :-)

1 comment:

  1. You've just inspired me to take a trip to Winslow, AZ now just for the picture! Actually, your whole trip looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing!


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