Monday, June 21, 2010

Salsa in Sedona

A little over a week ago, we hitched up our camping trailer and headed out for a desert adventure...hubby, daughter, me....and, yes, our dog, Salsa, and our cat, Duchess. We spent last week in Sedona, Arizona. We take Salsa out and about with us whenever possible. Duchess stays at the trailer and lounges the days away, loving every minute of her vacation.

Sedona is very pretty with red rocks, brilliant light and some of the bluest skies we've seen. There are also vortexes...places where the earth releases energy...and they say that Sedona has the largest concentration of them than anywhere else on earth. They are hard to find though because there aren't markers, only maps. We heard stories of how people go to Sedona and experience such a strong feeling of needing and wanting to be there that they move there soon after. Maybe it's the vortexes or the beauty, who knows. We also heard stories of how the vortexes make some people feel nauseous and sometimes dizzy. We were anxious to see what we would experience. My daughter and I thought that Sedona was beautiful but we felt "weird" all week. Hubby loved being there. And, Salsa?....we think she liked it too. She seemed happy there and when we went to a vortex she was very relaxed. Here she is at a vortex enjoying the view with my on the picture to enlarge it and see her ears blowing in the cute!...

After a few minutes, she laid down and seemed very peaceful...

After our visit to a vortex, we went to the Airport Mesa and watched the sun set...

The next morning, we went for a drive up Oak Creek Canyon. It was beautiful! At the top was a lookout and Salsa enjoyed the view...

On the way back to town, we stopped at a park and took a walk. We were amazed at all the ferns in the desert! All the green looks so pretty against the red rocks...

More on Sedona in my next post. Please come back. :-)


  1. Oh my goodness you have such amazing places to visit in your part of the world! 'Can't wait to hear and see more!

  2. Sedona looks absolutely amazing! Another on the list of places I have to see...

  3. Beautiful. I've always wanted to go there. I think there must be a vortex in St. Thomas for me, because I want to go back there.

  4. You've been in my territory! I love Sedona. And I do think there's something about those vortex sites ...

  5. Very pretty! The vortexes sound so interesting.

  6. Wow! Look at how clear the air is. I had forgotten what low humidity looks like. Looks like you had a great trip, nice, relaxing, interesting, educational, etc. I can't wait to see more pictures.


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