Monday, March 8, 2010


My stash shawl is complete and ready for the upcoming fashion show/show and tell at Knit N Stitch next Saturday. It's going to be so much fun to see what everyone created with their magic yarn balls or coordinated stash collections since our workshop a month ago.

Instead of cutting, tying, and rolling my yarn into a magic ball. I opted to change yarns as I knitted the shawl. It was kind of like painting with yarn. Whenever I felt the shawl needed a little pink here, or a little fur or fluff there, I'd tie on a new yarn and knit along until I felt it needed another texture.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It can be worn like a shawl and even over my head and wrapped around my neck but this is how I like it best, like a cowl...

It's warm, somewhat elegant, and will add a nice pop of texture and a little color to an outfit. On the first post about this project, someone commented that it would look great with jeans. I totally agree. And, that works perfectly because I'm a bluejeans kind of girl! I'm going to be on the lookout for the perfect top to go with it.

I received some suggestions for naming this shawl. I liked all of them but Serenpinkadee (thanks, Jomamma) inspired me to name it Serendipity. The definition of serendipity is, "...desirable discoveries by accident; good fortune; luck. Seems perfect for how a bunch of stash yarns came together into this surprising and beautiful result.


  1. It's beautiful and you are very welcome! That's exactly what I was thinking of when I thought of the name, only I threw in the 'pink' part of it, because to the extra pink pop it has to it. I love it, I want to do one for my boss only in peach. I didn't take the time to roll the yarn on my shawl either.

  2. Wow....your shawl turned out beautifully!


  3. This really turned out nice. Love the colors, but I told you that? And Laren, I dibs it first! LOL

  4. That is absolutely stunning! I really love it with the pearls - very dressy. Now you need a night on the town to show it off.

    You did a very nice job judging the right amount of fuzzibess and pinkness and I think it is perfect! You amaze me with your talent, girl!

  5. I love this and I'm now inspired to do one of my own! I agree with all the other comments you are very talented!!

  6. I love how this turned out and now I'm inspired to make my own.You are very talented!

  7. I love this and I'm now inspired to do one of my own! I agree with all the other comments you are very talented!!

  8. I love this and I'm now inspired to do one of my own! I agree with all the other comments you are very talented!!

  9. I love this shawl, I am inspired to make my own now. You are very talented!


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