Thursday, March 18, 2010


A couple of years ago I planted a few Nastutium seeds. Nothing grew. Then, last year, I decided to plant the whole packet of seeds to increase my odds. Boy! Did I increase my odds! I think they all came up! And, they've been growing non-stop ever since. They grew alongside my herbs last summer, cascading over the sides of my half wine barrels. So pretty! I also planted them around the perimeter of our big, galvanized water trough that we use as a raised-bed garden, surrounding our squash plants. The squash came and went and the Nasturtiums kept growing and over the winter the plants became huuuuge!

The plants are pretty with round, green leaves and the flowers are bright and cheerful in yellows and oranges. They're blooming like crazy right now and I decided today to cut a few to enjoy inside....

I love to look inside at all the pretty details (click the picture to enlarge it and see what I mean)...

We'll need to take them out of the water trough garden soon to get ready to plant our spring/summer vegetables. It'll be interesting to see if they keep coming up from seeds or if I'll need to get another packet. I sure enjoy seeing them every time I look out the window.

I've heard of Nasturtium tea and I thought the flowers were edible but I had no idea the leaves were too! Check out THIS link.


  1. Aren't they pretty? You got me thinking about planting some too. Maybe they would grow in my garden, nothing else seems to. ;-) Had fun yesterday!

  2. Aren't these so pretty? I love them as you showed them, just a little simple bunch makes a great display! Love that color!!!

  3. Cool! What a pretty addition to a salad the flowers would be! The colored details on the petals are wonderful!

  4. Don't you love plants that you "invite in" but then they move about and seem to make themselves at home to even better advantage than you had imagined they could!

  5. Beautiful! I've never been able to grow them. I think I'll try dumping the whole seed package.

  6. I plant nasturtiums every year as well - I love them beyond belief. They soften the edges of our gardens. I just wish they lasted longer here, but snow has a way of killing many flowers...


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