Monday, February 22, 2010

Cranberry Crochet

Yes! I love yarn! Yes! I love to shop for it. Most of all, I love to create with it. However, I'm not one to just buy yarn to have it. I generally need a reason, a project to justify it. Because of that, I don't have a huge stash. But, somehow, I do have one. And, for several months, I've been trying to bust through it as much as possible. I'm doing pretty well and I've used up some of my yarns. Although....I have added a couple here and there...but, for the most part, I've done more stash busting that stash enhancing. That's good!

Over the past week or so I've finsihed up several of those stash busting projects. Here's one of them...

It's a simple lacey crochet scarf . I used some cone yarn that's leftover from some blankets that I wove years ago. And, I can't believe it...I still have a lot left. This cone keeps going and going and going!

I always have so much trouble getting reds to photograph correctly. This is no exception. I've taken so many pictures of it in different lighting situations and tried to correct it with some editing and this is the best I could get it. It's actually a bluish/burgandy/cranberry color. It's very pretty and I think I have someone in mind to give it to. I guess this means I've officially started making things for next Christmas! Yay! Now, I need to make this a trend so it won't be a last minute rush when the holidays roll around.


  1. Very pretty! Good luck on the Christmas projects. I started this time last year and I'm still working on the last pair of socks!

  2. I alwasys start the year with grand plans of knitting early for Christmas, but it still always seems to be a rush in December...
    Even if it's wrong, that's a very pretty red...

  3. One of my favorite colors! So beautiful-and the pattern is gorgeous.


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