Monday, January 4, 2010

Sweet, Sour and Sunny

We've had some pretty cold temps over the past month. Well....cold for Southern California, that is. So, the sunny, warm temps we've had the past few days have been a treat. The temperature reached 81 on Saturday! Ahhhhh! I saw on the news that parts of the US have temps in the negative 30's. Ouch! That makes me appreciate where I live even more.

We took advantage of the nice weather this weekend and worked in our yard. It was so nice and we got a lot done. My half wine barrels are cleared out and ready for new herbs this spring, the roses are pruned, repairs have been made, the garden is clear and ready for a new planting, pruning is done, the fountain is scrubbed clean, lawns are mowed, sweeping is done, and the Christmas lights are down.

We enjoyed something else from our yard this weekend too, our lemon tree. It's weighed down with a bumper crop of Meyer lemons. Yum! When you've got lemons...make lemonade. And, that's just what we've been doing the past few days....

Yummm! Myer lemons are so tasty. And, lemonade is extra nice out on the patio, in the sun. Ahhhhh!


  1. That's just not fair... you are already on your way to spring. I'm hoping our winter will be over soon. We took our lemon tree to South Texas, it was a Pink Lemon - Lemon Tree. The lemons were actually pink on the inside.

  2. Wow! I've never heard of acutal pink lemons. How fun! I wonder what they taste like. :-)

  3. I think I'll just sit here in frigid white Toronto and read and re read this super sunny warm post!

  4. Yum! It was super nice out that weekend, wasn't it?! Our lemon tree is slow- it seems to fill up later in the spring/summer.


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