Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lavender InVESTment

Last fall I spotted some yarn at a LYS that I just can't get out of my mind. The more I think about it, the more I like it. So, yesterday, I decided to go for it and I bought four skeins. It's Berroco Vintage in a beautiful lavender color...

I really want to learn how to knit sweaters. And, I'm thinking that a vest will be a good step toward doing that. So, last night I spent hours searching for the perfect pattern.

I'd really like to make one with texture and interest and I found several that I really like. However, when I started reading the patterns I got lost and confused. So, I think I've decided on THIS vest. I think I'd enjoy wearing it. It's plain and simple but I can learn about shaping, edging and seaming. Plus, the simpleness of it gives me a little more assurance of a successful finished product. That's something I'll need before taking the next step of knitting something with sleeves. I'm planning to cast on today. Wish me luck!


  1. Very sweet vest!

    I wished we lived closer together, because I'd love to help you with your first vest project.

  2. Thanks, Benita! I wish we did too! That would be great! I'd love to take a weaving class with you too! :-)

  3. Did you hear me just squeel with excitement! 'So glad to hear you're taking the plunge...I bet there's magic in those Korknisse that got you going! ;)

  4. That is beautiful yarn! I love the color!!

    I think your vest will go fine. As long as you follow the directions, it should work.

    Do you have a knitting group near you?? (Meetup, at your local library, anything like that?) When I knit my scary sweater last year, it really helped to having my knitting group to hold my hand and give me courage.

    I can see why you were haunted by that yarn! It is gorgeous!


  5. Great choice! I can't wait to see it in progress.

  6. that's a great combination of yarn and pattern - you'll do great!

  7. Nice pattern, and I love the color! Good luck! I bet everything goes great.

  8. Sometimes when people first tackle learning sweaters it seems overwhelming but just take it one step at a time and you'll be surprised how simple it really is when making what seems to be more complex items.

    Vanessa in Oklahoma


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