Thursday, December 10, 2009


It's been a weird, wonderful and wacky week. How about a rambling post about some of the things going on...

1. The first acupuncture treatment made a big difference and I was finally able to sleep. Pain hasn't been keeping me awake at night. Ahhhh! That's nice. And, I haven't been getting up with bad pain in my arms. The pain isn't completely gone though and I've been taking it easy. I had a second treatment this week and noticed some more improvement but not as much as the first week. My medical doctor finally referred me for acupuncture and I'll get to go see the acupuncturist at my HMO (I had no idea they had one). That will be a lot cheaper. In the meantime, the high dollar treatments should get me by. I also asked for and got a referral to physical therapy in hopes of learning how to strengthen my arms without hurting myself again.

2. I went to the chiropractor today for an adjustment. Ahhhhh! I feel so much better. elbows may end up better too! Who knew a chiropractor could pop elbows?! He explained how the large bone on the bottom part of the arm can slightly separate out from the joint and cause pain. The adjustment didn't hurt. My not so bad elbow feels like it's been greased and bends so smoothly now. Ahhh! The other one feels about the same right now. But, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. You never know!

3. We've been having winter like weather! That's amazing! It usually doesn't get all that cold here until January or February and sometimes not then either. We've even been getting rain and lots of it! Yay! We need it so bad. We have another set of storms heading our way with a forecast of rain starting tonight and going through the weekend. Bring it on!

4. I learned an important lesson on Tuesday...even when the garage door sounds like it went all the way up and stopped, check to be sure! I was heading out to do a little Christmas shopping and ended up backing into the door. Ugh! The SUV is fine but the door seemed to be in pretty bad shape. It looks like the cable came off on one side and caused it to jam so it couldn't go up all the way. Luckily, my husband was able to fix it. He's amazing!

5. Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. We didn't make any big plans...although we kind of used our recent Colorado trip as a pre-celebration. We went to Encinitas (San Diego County) yesterday and had breakfast at the Potato Shack (Yum!), enjoyed looking at the big waves coming in this week (so pretty!), a little garden walk (that's where the Koi picture was taken), did a little shopping, and went out for a nice dinner. We both feel so lucky because being married to each other has been way better than we ever thought marriage could be. He's awesome!


  1. Congrats on 20 years! Very exciting. Encinitas is such a pretty place to visit. It's been freezing cold up here, too! Glad to hear that acupuncture, PT and chiro are helping. :)

  2. Yeah, congratulations on the 20. So glad you are getting relief for the pain. I'm thinking about starting a monthly massage program. I guess if we want to keep knitting into our 90s we have to take care of ourselves now.

  3. My daughter and I have been talking about the health benefits of massage and trying to figure out how we can afford to get that on a regular basis. Not to mention how great it would feel! :-)

  4. See if you can trade out massages for knitting lessons.


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