Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Winner is...

Marie at Sel & Poivre! Congratulations! She has won the "Find a Cure" knitting needles and the beaded stitch markers for one of her entries into the "Pink Clallenge".

The winner was chosen the old fashioned way...I wrote each entry on a piece of paper, folded each one, put them into a container, shook them all around, hubby closed his eyes, and pulled out a winner.

Most of the entries were for getting mammograms. Only two were for pink projects. You can see them HERE and HERE. There is a picture of each project, info, and a link to each of their blogs, "Sel & Poivre" and "Facts From Fact Woman".

Thanks, to everyone who entered. It was great hearing from all of you (I love getting your comments) and it was fun seeing your pink projects. And, most importantly, how great that so many of you are taking charge of your health and getting your regular mammogram screenings! :-)


  1. Are you going to post a picture of all of them? We wanna see!!!

  2. Can you hear me squealing from up here in Canada? I can't believe I actually won!

  3. I posted all of the entries for things people was only two. Most of the entries were for getting mammograms.

  4. I've just updated this post with links to see each of the projects from this challenge. :-)

  5. Congratulations Marie!! Have fun knitting with those gorgeous needles! Thanks for posting my slippers! I'll have the pattern up this week.


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