Monday, November 16, 2009

I Like Lichen

My family and I love to visit the Santa Rosa Plateau for hiking, mountain biking and horse back riding...but mostly because of the gorgeous views and the ever changing and always amazing show that nature provides. From the green in winter to the wildflowers in spring and even the dry, brown seasons of summer and fall...there are wonderful and surprising things to see all year.

The oak trees are extra lush and green this year. Right now, the oak trees and scrub oak bushes are loaded with acorns in various shapes and sizes. There are even a few wildflowers peeking out here and there. And, this year, there is more lichen than I've ever seen before. The conditions must be perfect because there are areas along the trail where it seems like it's covering almost every bit of shrubbery. It's beautiful and colorful (click on the pictures for a larger/closer look)...

It varies in size and shape. Some of it is big and bold...

Some is tiny and delicate...

I did a little online reading about lichen and found out that it's not just a fungus but also an algae and sometimes a bacteria. Together, they help each other thrive. This relationship, called mutualism, is what allows them to produce these shapes and colors that they could not do alone.

Nature is amazing!


  1. You take very cool pictures. I was just lurking on your Ravelry favorites. You have a ton of them! Some pretty cute stuff in your list. Hope to see you Wednesday!

  2. Cool pictures!! I love nature and you are right, there's nothing like the beauty they can show us.

  3. I too am a big lichen fan - an inherited trait from my father - thanks for sharing!


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