Monday, October 19, 2009


It's that day again! Monday! Often the most challenging day of my week as I plan out what I need to do for the week (the fun and not so fun) and begin to start tackling it all. I've been trying to come up with things that help make this transition into a new week better and more enjoyable. Sometimes I think I've figured it out. Other times...not really. This is feeling like one of those Mondays. Color can brighten a mood...maybe a little colorful eye candy...Some beautiful fall folliage from our recent trip to Colorado...Soooo pretty!...

One of these would be nice too...mmmm...another picture from that trip...yummy coffee...

How are your Mondays? Do you sometimes find it hard to get going on Mondays? Do you have any tips or tricks to getting your week/Monday off to a great start?


  1. Mmmmmm...coffffeeee!

  2. That's Burning Bush in the Midwest. Don't remember the "technical" name. But they pack a big punch of beautiful color in the Fall. Hmmm, I just make a list and prioritize it and get at it. And, Yes, I find it hard to get going on Monday mornings.


  3. Beautiful foliage from your trip.
    My Mondays start on Sunday evenings with the dread of the coming work week. To counteract that, I start with a positive comment at the coffee pot at work: Hey, it's one day closer to the weekend. (And this can usually be heard from me all the way through the week.) :)

  4. Mondays are the easiest day of the work week for me, in a school office every thing builds up to Friday when all you know what breaks loose.

  5. I start every Monday with sorting laundry. I do all the laundry and ironing on Monday and that's it for the week. Yesterday I spent the whole day in the laundry room. Its the traditional thing to do on Mondays from back when managing a house and home was regarded as having value to a family. Its a great approach because by getting the dirty laundry from all its various hiding places around the house it naturally yields a tidier place, it uses less energy and water and time to do fewer big loads. While I do it I plan all the other things I hope to accomplish/enjoy in the week ahead and most importantly - its achievable to get it all done and back in the drawers and closets by late afternoon so I generally find myself, Monday evening, feeling like I've accomplished something which, for me, is critical to feeling good about things overall.

    (BTW the latin name for that scarlet shrub is "Euonymous alata" - I have a couple of them!)

  6. Monday's are my best day, energy-wise. I'm always very productive on Mondays, then less so as the week goes on with Thursday being the worst day. For some reason, I'm exhausted on Thursdays. Then it builds back up until Monday arrives again.


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