Friday, September 11, 2009

Think Pink!

A couple of weeks ago I posted a scarf that I had just finished weaving. It's pink color inspired me to post a challenge for Breast Cancer Awareness Month coming up in October. I've been thinking about the prize for the challenge and this last week I saw these beautiful knitting needles at my local yarn shop and knew that they had to be part of the prize. The iredescent glass beads on the ends are so beautiful!...

I'll be adding more fun things to the prize and posting them in the coming weeks.

I've been thinking about the challenge and have added some more details and more chances for winning. Here they are...

* Get a mammogram before the end of October...or if you've had one in the past year, let me know in the comments and you'll be entered into the drawing. Remember, early detection is the key to saving lives!

* Knit, crochet, weave, sew or craft something pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and email me a picture and info about it and I'll post it on my blog with a link to your blog. This will give you another chance to win. This is a chance to craft something pink and special just for you, someone you love, or...

* Donate your handmade item to a cancer support center or another charity for a third chance to win. Check with your local yarn shop...the one near me is taking such donations and each one is an entry for a $250 shopping spree at the yarn shop! If you're crafting for charity, be sure to check with your local charity for any guidelines as to what types of fibers are suitable and what kinds of items are needed.

This gives you opportunities to have your name in the drawing up to three times. Plus, a little nudge to get that mammorgram done that you don't want to do but know you need to. It always feels good to have it done and out of the way. And, especially good when you get the good news that everything looks normal. You can do what I like to do after my mammogram... reward yourself with a trip to the yarn shop and a little something just for you.

If you're thinking of participating, please do me a favor and leave a comment to let me know. I'm wondering how many people are thinking of joining in on the fun. And, when you enter, please be sure your comment allows me to reply back, or you can also send me an email with your contact info (email address) so I can contact you if you win! I'll be drawing the name of the winner at the end of October. I can't wait to hear from you and see your creations!

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. What a neat post! Beautiful needles. :)

  2. Those needles are really cute! This drawing is a great idea.

  3. I had my mammogram in April - as I do every year now. Mild discomfort isnothing compared to the alternative!

  4. I had my mammogram last Nov. and just set up my appointment for this year. A friend and I make out appointments for the same time and then after our mammograms, we go out to lunch afterward. Kind of a reward to ourselves. It's much more fun than going alone. This year we hope to have a group of 4 or 5. I have picked a pattern and now need to go find some pink yarn! When is our project sue by???? Thanks for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness!


Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you. :-)