Sunday, September 27, 2009

Honest Scrap

I've just been surprised and honored with a blog award from Margaret of the blog, "Facts From Fact Woman". Thank you so much, Margaret! :-)

Here are the rules of the award:

1. Choose a minimum of seven blogs to give this award to that you find to be brilliant in content and design.

2. Show the 7 winners' names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they have been given the "Honest Scrap."

3. List 10 honest things about yourself that people may not know.

Although I'm honored and thrilled to recieve this award, I have to admit, the rules are tough! There are a LOT of wonderful blogs out there! I follow many and I'm always adding more. I'm constantly impressed and inspired by other bloggers with the things they share, the things they do and create, their photography, and so much more. That makes it hard to choose only seven...just like it's hard to narrow the many that I follow down to just a few to list on the front of my blog. If I follow your blog but don't list it in this seven, please don't feel left out. I would list so many more if I could. Some of the things that helped me choose the top seven are one or more of the following: they post often; comment often (that means a lot to me); inspire me....etc. So, here they are:

1. Sel & Poivre - We've been reading each other's blogs for quite a while now and consistently post comments on each other's blogs. I love that! I also love seeing all the great things that Marie knits and does. And, I like seeing and reading about her summer adventures at her cottage. Fun!

2. Elderberry Street - Karen posts a lot and I can tell she puts a lot of time and love into doing so. Her blog is always filled with beautiful pictures and inspiration. Karen loves life and it shows.

3. Syrendell - Jennifer and the whole Tan family are so inspiring and amazing. I love reading their posts and being whisked away into a peaceful and wonderful place where they do so many fun things as they home school their children and enjoy life and the world around them.

4. Mocha Me - I just recently found this blog when I was searching for inspiring cooking blogs. This one definitely inspires! Every post has a recipe that looks and sounds so good that it makes my mouth water and makes me hungry! I want to try so many of them...if not all!

5. Smatterings - I've been reading this one for a few years now and I love it as much now as I did when I first found it. My favorite thing about it is "Walk With Me Wednesdays" where she posts beautiful pictures and stories about walks she goes on that whisk me away to a different different than the desert I live in. I love it! She knits beautiful things too!

6. Claudia's Blog - This is another blog that I've been reading for several years and I still love it and read it regularly. Initially, what caught my attention is that she and her husband ride a tandem bike. My husband and I ride a tandem too! The picture in the corner of her blog with sock knitting in a tropical place caught my eye too. But, what keeps me coming back is her regular posts...usually on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays...,the interesting variety, knitting, biking, adventure, photography, her kitties, and fun surprises.

7. Basically Benita - I just recently found this one. She spins, weaves, dyes, knits...and seems to have a love for life and sharing it with others. Her blog is filled with great pictures, stories and inspiration that keep drawing me in to read more.

I can't give an award to Margaret because she already has one. But, be sure to check out her blog. Her energy and zest for life are contagious and she's always posting new and interesting facts...after all, she is "fact woman"! :-), on to the next hard part...10 things about me. That's even tougher than the first part of this award. Hmmmm?

1. I love my husband and daughter more than anything!

2. I'm a stay-at-home mom and wife...which is the best job in the world!!!

3. I love to find and do new things. Sometimes that involves things with a bit of a thrill...hiking slot canyons, rock climbing, wind surfing, mountain biking, skiing, travel....But...I'm also a big chicken sometimes!

4. I find it hard to sit still and have to always be doing something. Even when I'm sitting and knitting I have to have the radio on to listen to NPR, the news, or music.

5. I use to be a sign language interpreter.

6. I went to school for interior design and have my own design business (residential and commercial) that was doing well but I've been more interested in being mom and living life the past few years and have let my business slip away to almost nothing.

7. Even though I went to school for interior design, English, and art, and have done many other types of jobs...I'm still not sure what I want to be when I grow up!

8. I love kitties and llamas and Airedales soooooo much!

9. Even though I think it would be great to read fiction, I just can't get into it. Give me a book about real life anyday...biographies, knitting, self improvement, decorating, gardening, cooking, etc... I am so curious about so many things and love to learn!

10. I love and am addicted to blogging, Ravelry, yarn, knitting, weaving...all things fibery, antiques, bargains, trying and learning new things, quilts, cooking, flowers,!


  1. Thanks Cheryl! That was very sweet of you.

  2. Thank you so much for the award and kind words. So sweet of you and and I am honored!!!

  3. Congratulations, I love learning about the people behind the blogs and I'm glad to have found your blog and now on to discover your favorites.


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