Friday, August 7, 2009

Nice Ride

I got to go horseback riding today! My sister-in-law, Kim, has horses and we use to ride from time to time but life got busy. It's been years since I rode with her. But, today we made time to get together and she took me for a ride. The weather was perfect and we all had fun...there were five of us. I got to ride "Smores". She has one blue eye and one brown eye. Isn't she pretty?!...

We loaded the horses into her trailer and went to the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve in Murrieta, California. I ride a mountain bike up there a lot but this was the first time I got to ride a horse on those trails. I got to see things from a whole new perspective...higher up!

Here are two of the horses after our ride, Smores and Megan. They're great horses. Kim's had Megan a long time and I think Megan is about 23 years old now but I sure wouldn't be able to tell. She looks great! She has such a super personality too.

When we took the horses back, I had to get a little goat time in. Kim has a couple of baby goats. They're about three months old and ohhhhh soooo cute! Especially this little girl...

Here's her mommy..

The little girl was shy and I never got to touch her. But, her brother was brave enough to come close and once he discovered how great a scratch on the neck feels, he didn't move for a while. In fact, he was even closing his eyes as I petted and scratched him. So sweet!

Goats love to climb on things and that's just what this little guy did. That put him at my level so he could give me a closer look. lol

It was a fun day. But, I have the feeling that I'm going to be sore. I'm already feeling it and I'm exhausted! Seems crazy but I guess I used muscles I forgot I had. I think I'm ready for a nap!

Thanks, Kim, for a fun morning! :-)


  1. Hi, I bopped over from Debbie's. I love the look of your blog. I'm thinking of starting a knitting blog, can I just take yours? I better not, I don't have any clippings to put over my face. See you soon.

  2. They're so cute! I bet you had a wonderful day! Will you be attending "you know what" on the 14th?

  3. I think your day sounded so FUN! I have not been on a horse in at least 10 years, they are such beautiful animals and reading about your day really made me miss riding them. I am so glad you got to go.

  4. I want to go horseback riding this summer too!


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