Sunday, July 26, 2009

On the Road Again...

About a week ago, we loaded up our little "Home Sweet Home-Away-From-Home" camping trailer and we were off to camp near the tiny town of Lee Vining, in the Eastern Sierra Mountains, just east of Yosemite.

When we bought our little trailer years ago, it came decorated in un-matching colors, patterns, and it was just plain...uh...un-attractive. Over the years it has been re-decorated on a budget...a tiny budget...including clearance items from various stores, thrift shops and rummage sales. It may not be worthy of decorating awards but we enjoy it's bright, happy colors and fun little touches that make it a cozy little place to stay when we travel.

This is our living/dining room area. We love the wrap around dinette which gives the three of us plenty of room to stretch out and relax, read, knit, play games, etc. Complete with lots of fluffy pillows...some of which my daughter and I made up with various fabrics and trims. The large table works great for meals and has lots of space for playing games. We love our matching red, white, and blue dishes (they look like speckled enamelware but they're easy-care melamine), our colored (plastic) glasses...we each have our own color to keep track of our drinks, and our bandana look dishtowels. At night this area becomes a queen sized bed...

The shelf behind the table comes in handy for all sorts of fun and necessary items we bring...knitting, a small harp (above), books and magazines, an old marshmallow tin filled with cards and small games, etc.

Our kitchen is very small but with the table we have plenty of space to whip up some pretty fabulous meals. I love the happy wallpaper (found in a clearance Wal-Mart) and our tin Corona tray that comes in handy for carrying snacks outdoors. I recently started using an old percolator that my parents used when they tent camped decades ago. It makes great coffee!

I forgot to take pictures of the back half of our trailer. The kitchen has a nice sized refridgerator and freezer. And, there is a double size bed which is tucked, cozily, into a corner. The opposite corner has a tiny little bathroom with cute painted shelving to hold washclothes and many of our necessary lotions and potions, and theres a small tub/shower with a pretty red and white fabric shower curtain. There is a skylight/vent that keeps the small bathroom bright and airy.

I love our budget quilt...and so does Salsa! She gets a special treat when we camp of snuggling on the foot of our bed in the mornings.

We camped alongside Lee Vining Creek. The rushing water is so pretty and the sound of it is so nice to hear...especially at night when we snuggled in our little trailer, enjoying the cool night air. We even enjoyed a couple of rainy nights...I love the sound of the rain on the roof!

The skies were clear on the last night we were there and there were more stars than I've seen in many years. The Milkyway glowed like someone was shining a light into the sky. And, all those bright stars with the silouette of the tall pine trees was so beautiful!

We made several day trips that I'll be posting about over the next few days. So, please come back and vist to see where we went and the fabulous things we saw. :-)


  1. Your camper is cute, but that Salsa is stinking adorable! What a ham! Sounds like you all had fun, but I'm happy your back!

  2. I love your cozy little trailer home! It has such a great personal touch. Salsa is so cute snuggled up in the quilt, great picture! You are totally making me want to find a camper to re-do so I can go camping too. :)

  3. Your camper is adorable! So cute! You've done lots of blogging while I've been away. Now I need to catch up. Looks like you've had a fun summer so far!


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