Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bloomin' Weekend

This weekend was awesome! The weather was perfect...cool, overcast mornings and warm days. The time seemed to go by slowly...something that rarely seems to happen. And, we had loads of fun! Hubby and I went for a road ride on our tandem bike on Saturday morning. Along the way we discovered a single track trail leading into the hills for a little off-road adventure. Woooo Hooo! Fun! The rest of the weekend was filled with yard work, family time, good food, knitting, and relaxing. I loved every minute of it!

We spent a lot of the weekend outside, working in the yard. We trimmed, mowed, weeded, and did a lot of planting. Here's a color pot my daughter created. The inspiration started with the little carnation plant. She added a white Ivy Geranium that had a bit of the light color found in the Carnation and a little flower in the dark color of the carnation. Pretty! It's sitting next to our patio fountain with several other color pots we planted this weekend.

I planted the beautiful Foxglove that my daughter gave me for Mother's Day. So pretty!...

I love the blue color of the Marguerite we planted...

I planted Nasturtum seeds several times last year and this year before I finally had some success. I'm so happy that they're growing. And, look...they're blooming now...

Our Myer Lemon tree has been growing and blooming like crazy this year. We're looking forward to a nice crop of lemons this winter...

Our lettuce has done well and we've been enjoying a LOT of salads...

Hubby enclosed a corner of the yard and started building raised beds for veggies. The fence will keep our dog from eating our crops and I think it's cute. So far, we've planted five different types of tomatoes, eggplant, strawberries, and two kinds of squash...

There's nothing like warm, beautiful weather to inspire creativity and make hard work a lot more fun. We got so much done and with great weather forecast all week, I feel a lot more great things coming. :-D


  1. hi there!

    that's a perfect way to spend a beautiful day :)

    i also want to plant flowers and bittergourd at our backyard but i don't have a greenhand.

    btw. nice photos!

    happy blogging!


  2. How fun to see your Californian garden and gardening in progress.

    What a lovely peek into your yard!

  3. Wow, you have a great green thumb. I can't believe how beautiful your lettuce is, it almost looks like a flower! I am totally inspired now, I am going to focus on planing my little garden before the whole season gets away from me.


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