Friday, April 10, 2009

Wildflower Week - Freaky Friday

Wildflowers are pretty, but some may also be considered a little odd or "freaky". I've saved some of these for "Freaky Friday"...

This is "Common Fiddleneck". The color is intense and gorgeous. It can turn entire hillsides a beautiful orange/gold color. But, don't touch it! Those little hairs will make you feel like you have splinters of glass in your skin. Pretty to look at but not to touch!

These little guys were out walking along the trails in great numbers last weekend. Salsa (our Airedale) had fun watching them. I wonder what she was thinking?! They're so cute and fuzzy looking...until you blow up the picture for a close up! Click on the picture and you'll see that those little hairs look like tufts of needles.

I don't think this plant is especially beautiful but the waves on the leaves are pretty cool. Here's the whole plant...

And, here's a close-up of one of it's wavy leaves...

I'm like'n this! Sorry, I couldn't resist a little punny! lol But, seriously, I do like "lichen"! And, after reading a little bit about it, I have a bigger appreciation of it. It's used for medicinal purposes, dyes, perfumes, and a way to measure air quality, the depletion of the ozone and more. There a a few different kinds on these branches...

If you're interested in reading a little more about it and seeing pictures of other types of this lichen, click "here".

I haven't been able to figure out the name of these yet. We refer to them as poppers or popcorn. The pods are hollow and, if you accidently step on one, it makes a pop sound.

I wonder what will be blooming this weekend?!

Have an awesome, beautiful weekend and Easter! :-)


  1. Thanks for the fabulous pictures and info. I'm only familiar with the lupines and poppies, so this was good. Hopefully I'll remember the names. Looks like you had a wonderful hike on a beautiful day. Have a Happy Easter!

  2. Hey! great blog. What a cool avatar you have. Must get me one of those...hum. Glad to find you. Happy fibering this holiday weekend. A.

  3. I love your has beautiful pictures, interesting subject matter and a very nice lady that pulls it all together!


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