Thursday, March 12, 2009

Missing Mojo

I feel like I've lost my knitting mojo...temporarily, I hope. I've tried to find it this past week by casting on a sweater (several times), only to end up cancelling that project due to knitter errors and lack of enthusiasm over the pattern. I've had trouble focusing on my lace projects. So, it's best to leave those until my brain can focus enough that those projects don't get frogged back to the stash bin. And, I've had trouble getting excited over any specific patterns to really get started on anything new. So, in an attempt to get creativity and excitement back into my fiber lovin' world, I decided to make a quick, little project bag. Frustrated with the pattern and the fiddly way it said to knit it, I put down the knitting needles, picked up a crochet hook and winged it. Here's the result...

It's made with Sugar N Cream cotton yarn from my stash and left over fabric from a quilt I made for my daughter. I love making stuff with what I have. It feels great and lessens the stash. The crochet bottom is sturdy enough to keep the bag standing and not flopping over. I like that. And, the light color fabric makes it easy to see what's inside. The drawstring is a simple knitted I-cord. Quick. Cute. Fun. A successful project! I think I might be feeling a little mojo. I'm feeling some inspiration and I've even found a pattern and stash yarn to excite me. Time to cast on and see if I've truly got my mojo back.


  1. nice bag! I have the same "meh" feeling about my knitting - nothing is catching my attention!

  2. Cheryl, your bag turned out lovely. I really like the looks of it.


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