Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

Just about every morning, I sit down at the computer to check email and visit some of my favorite blogs. Today, as I visited one of my favorite blogs, Sel and Poivre(click to visit), I was surprised and delighted to read that she gave me a Kreative Blogger Award!

I'm honored to receive this from Marie. We somehow found each other this last year and we're regular visitors of each other's blogs...as well as regular commentors. I'm always excited about what I'll find on her blog. She posts several times each week and tells about wonderful knitting projects she's working on, delicious foods she has made, and interesting things going on in her life. She's a creative writer and I always enjoy her posts. I also enjoy all the comments she leaves for me on my blog. If I could send the award to her, I'd do it in an instant! Thanks, Marie!

I follow quite a few blogs and I'm often on the look out for more. I love to see what kinds of projects people are working on and I delight in seeing the creative things bloggers come up with. I also enjoy reading and seeing different ways that people live in different parts of the world. I have my top 10 favorites listed on my sidebar. I love so many, but for this award I can only nominate five. So, in addition to Marie's, here they are...

1. Handweaving Today - I found this just a few months ago and it quickly became one of my favorites. Dave's blog is so beautiful! He's an awesome photographer, weaver, spinner, and a kitty lover! I always enjoy seeing his many new weaving creations...they're gorgeous! He is so creative with how he uses colors and yarns. And, I love reading stories and seeing pictures of his two beautiful kitties, Dusty and Miss Lulu! Thanks, Dave for sharing your creativity and delighting readers several times each week with your beautiful photos.

2. Sailing Knitter - I found this one recently too and, like Handweaving Today, it quickly became a favorite. Jonesy and Terry decided to give up life on land for a while to live on their boat and see the world. Their adventures are fascinating! There are so many things that can happen while living on a boat that I never would have imagined! Their blog transports me away to other lands and cultures. Through their stories, I get to enjoy an adventure I'll probably never experience (I get verrry sea sick). Terry also knits...that's always a plus! :-)

3. Knitspot - I bet a lot of people know about this blog. And, how could you not love it?! Anne is such an incredibly talented knitter and designer with some of the most gorgeous lace I've ever seen. She's also an amazing gardner who shows mouth watering pictures, during the summer, of her garden bounty. And, one of my favorite posts ever was her trip to New Mexico when she attended a knitting weekend and visited weaving studios and yarn shops. I was so glued to the screen that I stopped blinking and my eyes watered...I couldn't wait to read each word and see all the great pictures. You can read it here.

4. Claudia's Blog - I've been following this one for a quite a while. It initially caught my eye with the picture on the top left corner of a sock knitting project with a gorgeous tropical ocean view in the background. I was hooked when I read that she rides a tandem. My husband and I ride a tandem too and it's not very often that I see others that do...especially on a blog! Claudia is also a knitter. And...she combines those two loves as she raises money each year for an MS ride. Her blog fans donate yarny prizes. When readers make $ donations their names go into a drawing for the great prizes. Claudia was the top fundraiser this year and won a trip to Maui! She also encouraged readers last year to exchange at least one car trip each week with alternative transportation...like a bike. She called the project BAT/KAT for Bicyles As Transportation / Knitters Alternatively Transporting. Readers checked in with her each week and she kept a tally...together, we all logged over 2008 BAT/KAT trips in 2008! Very cool! Her blog is creative, funny, real, and sometimes unexpected. I love it!

5. Knit One Quilt Too - This blogger posts a lot of eye candy. She's a talented and creative quilter who creates an abundance of fun, colorful and beautiful quilts. She knits too!...Sometimes. :-)

Thank you to my top favorite bloggers, and the many others that inspire and entertain me. Blogland is such a great place to visit, learn, and be inspired. Here's to blogging and the creative wonderful people who do it! :-)


  1. Aw, thank you for the award! it really is something special. I can't wait to check out your other nominees, they are new to me.

  2. Hey, thanks so much for the kind words! That really means alot to me.

  3. Congrat's on your award,
    Miss seeing you
    have you found that you can make camping!!!! Would love to have you with us. And we have room


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