Thursday, March 19, 2009

Knitt'n Again

A little break from knitting may be just what I needed. I've been so into it for so long and I spend so much time knitting, thinking about knitting, looking at patterns, hanging out with knitting friends, going to knit shops, etc., etc. A little break now and then can be refreshing. Not to mention, great for getting some of the things done that have been neglected because of my yarny obsession.

It felt weird, maybe like withdrawals, to not knit for several days. But, I stuck with it because it also felt kind of good and I new it would be good for me. When I started knitting again this week, I finished up another helmet hat for some troops in Iraq. These are simple hats but I think they'll be appreciated. They can wear them under their helmets or just to stay warm. Here's one of them...

The owner of the coffee shop, where we meet weekly to knit, mentioned that he was going to put a box of goodies together for a young man that was just deployed to Iraq. Several of us made some things and donated goodies. As of yesterday, the box was overflowing so much that it's probably going to become two big boxes instead of one. I bet it's going to be so much fun for him and his buddies to recieve it. It has candies, snacks, little Easter toys, magazines, and all kinds of little things they may need. It's interesting how such a simple thing to put together can mean so much and I hope it does. It must be really hard to be there and be so far from home and everyone they love.

I was able to work on my lace shawl yesterday too. Yay! I was able to focus again and, so far, it's been going really well. It's hard to see how it will look when it's in the knitting stage but, here's a little glimpse as I tried to stretch it out and hold the camera at the same time...

This is the only thing I have in progress right now and that feels a little strange. I've been trying to match patterns with stash yarns but I'm not having a lot of luck. I'll keep trying though. I really want to have more to work on and make a big dent in my stash this year.


  1. Hey Girl, Stay positive and the mojo will come back. Your shawl is looking good. I know you'll stick with it. It is starting to click with me. I hope the repeat pages help you. Debbie started her shawl. Now to go post pictures of my shawl....
    I like the helmet-hat too.

  2. Yup...that's the one! Have you made it before?


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