Friday, February 6, 2009

Fun Friday Foto

I haven't been posting as often as I had planned. But, life hasn't been quite normal lately. Life got crazy busy before Christmas and stayed like that through January. Just when things started to slow down to a normal busy pace I got sick. I feel a lot better but I seem to be getting a very slow start to my days lately. So, I haven't been as productive as I'd like...which leads to less posts. That was a long way to the point. But, hopefully, you get the picture.

I haven't felt like working on my Crescendo shawl for a while. I guess I'm kind of tired of it, it's not a happy color to work on, and when I was sick I didn't feel like having alpaca fibers flying in my face. But, last night I worked on it a bit. Good news! I measured and I only have four inches to go!!! So, I hope to get time today and this weekend to work on it and finish up the knitting part. After that I'll have fringe (fun) and lots of tucking in of ends (I've used about 12 balls of yarn so far). I think I may, possibly, be able to wear it for Valentines Day! That was my newest goal. :-)

Since I don't have any knitty, fibery fun pictures to show today, how about this...

We recently found "Chicken Pie Diner" in Poway and each table had a little juke box. There was one at each of the tables that were next to a wall. We think they all connected to the main juke box and played over the main speakers. They looked old with heavy duty metal and thick round glass. They had lots of oldies songs from the 50's, some from the 60's and a couple from the 70's. The diner was filled with pictures and things to keep our eyes busy looking around the whole time we were there. The food was pretty good too.

We love finding little out of the way surprises like this diner. Our daughter seems to have so many harp performances and events to go to these days and we use that time to explore whatever area we are in to see what great things we can find. It's a lot of fun!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. This sounds like a great place. I enjoy finding places like this too. I ran into places like that up north near Morro Bay. Thrift (antique) shops are another place I like going into and exploring.

  2. Ooooo, keep posting these finds so the rest of us out here can go too. Did you play any good music? How was the food?

  3. Only four inches to go! You must be thrilled! Its amazing how the colour of a knit can strongly affect the way you feel about working on it isn't it?


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