Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just Wondering...

I read a lot of knit blogs and in the past few weeks a lot of bloggers have posted a list of knitted items they made in 2008 (including me). Some of the bloggers have lists that boggle my mind. I'm wondering how they're able to make a dozen pairs of socks, 15-18 sweaters, and a dozen or so other items. It just doesn't seem humanly possible to me. Many of them have jobs. Then, you throw in all the life stuff. I can't imagine being able to accomplish that much even if I were able to knit eight hours a day. All I can say is...WOW!


  1. Not for me, I've never been that kind of knitter. But, and a big one here, is that I DO spin lots of yarn. In 2008, over 7 miles of finished yarn. And that was at a leisurely pace for only part of the year. I know there are some knitters who carry their knitting everywhere and knit during meetings and while commuting on the bus or train. "Idle" time? I find people like that inspirational and it pushes me to try for a personal goal.

  2. I saw a counter on someone's blog where she was keeping track of "yards of new yarn purchased / yards of stash yarn used" and the same for ounces of fiber bought / used. I think I will keep track of that this year. I should go back and see what all I did in 2008. It was a funny year, with doldrums and bursts of energy. In 2009 I just want to finish things that are already begun!

  3. Thank you. :) I do have to admit that I didn't make this background though. It's a lot easier! Just go to One thing, though- their site is currently down. Keep checking until it comes back up, and you will find all kinds of blog backgrounds and directions for how to get them onto your page.

  4. I saw on your Ravelry that today is your birthday! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


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