Thursday, January 1, 2009

Brand New Year...Brand New Goals

Happy New Year!!!!

It's a brand new year and a time for brand new goals. I've been thinking about this for a few weeks and trying to narrow my goals down to a simple, realistic, obtainable list. it goes...a brand new list for a brand new year...

Health/Fitness - This usually slips to the bottom of the priority list and doesn't always happen...but it needs to happen! This is the thing that makes everything else better! So, I have to keep it on the top of the list. I'm trying to re-think a new way to do it that "might" work! I'll try for at least one fruit or veggie at each meal and replace at least one bad beverage (like coffee or soda) a day to water or something healthy. That's a good start. For fitness I need to move everyday...even if it's just a short walk around the block. Once I'm out the door it usually becomes more than that. I'm also planning some bike rides with another lady. We want to meet at least once a week to ride.

Mental/Spiritual - Realistically, I know I won't settle down enough to do this on a daily basis, even though that would be best. So, I aim to sit down at least once per week to breath, meditate, pray, and think about my goals. I'm going to set up a comfy place with books, paper, pens, a candle, and a cozy blanket to settle down in.

Career - Make some money! My interior design business has been slow this year because of the economy but I have some ideas that might work to drum up some new business and help people out that can't afford a lot but want to beautify their homes. So, I'll work on getting a few new clients this year. I also plan to launch my Etsy store this month and work daily to try and make it successful. That leads to....

Knitting and Fiber Arts - Number one is to finish that Crescendo shawl and my Pomatomus socks! I also want to knit my first sweater and accomplish something with lace. I'm planning to check out a local weaving/spinning guild. I've contacted them and plan to visit their next meeting. I want to do some weaving (being in the guild should help with that). I also want to get started soon on Christmas presents for next year. I want to keep posting on my blog at least three times each week and make more of my posts about fiber related fun.

Home - With the economy the way it is, we won't be moving this next year like we had planned. We're likely to be here for a while. So, I've been working on some plans to add color, window treatments, and other things to several rooms. We also have a few simple landscape plans.

There are other things that I'd like to do and things will be added but these are some of the basics and I really believe I can attain them. It's helpful to list them out so I hope that this will help me get off to a good start.

Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and wonderful 2009 and success with your goals!


  1. Happy New Years to you. Your goals sound attainable. I'd like to get back into interior design/decorating this coming year. I really miss working creatively to fulfill a client's decorating dreams. Good luck and have fun!

  2. Wow I just saw the previous comment is from a man! Now that's something you don't see every day on knit blogs!

    Anyway my comment is about the design business. We had a woman come in and for a two or three hundred dollars she came here for an hour and a half or so and gave me colour suggestions for the walls and trim throughout the house and also recommended ways to tweak the furniture arrangements. She left me with paint chips and her invoice and I made my own list of her other suggestions as we chatted. It seemed like such a great way for her to make an entree with potential clients and she even made decent money for the brief time she invested with me. She didn't even have to pay for a stamp to mail a bill to me!


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