Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oodles of Needles

Hubby's grandma called me last week with the news that she had a bunch of knitting needles to give to me. She had gotten them from some elderly neighbors that can no longer knit. What a sad thought to not be able to knit. But, what a wonderful thought that someone who loves knitting is about to be showered with free needles. I couldn't wait to see what was in the bunch.

On Thanksgiving Day, hubby went over to his parent's house to borrow a couple of chairs while I stayed home to cook and receive our guests (we alternate dinner with families each year). While he was there, grandma gave him the bag of needles. Hubby was excited to find a hand-carved wood tube and cap to store knitting needles in. Unfortunately, when he got home we realized it was no longer in the bag. It seems that someone else in the family must have decided that they wanted it and took it when he set the bag down to get the chairs. I must say that it is a little frustrating that someone would take it when it had already been given to me, and that they don't even knit. But, I am happy to receive the needles.

There are over 30 pair, ranging in sizes from one to 15. Some are 10" and some are 14" long. Most of the double point needles weren't complete sets, except for one set of yellow plastic ones. There were also a few afgan hooks and a large crochet hook. Some of needles are sizes I didn't have but many are duplicates. But, that's ok. I always love having extra sets for when my daughter wants to start a project or I need another set for myself when I get case of "startitis". It's also nice to have extras when someone comes along that wants to learn.


  1. Can you imagine all the hands that have touched those needles and knitted countless items to keep loved ones warm? If only they could talk or had a history book attached. It's wonderful gift, even if the wooden tube was "removed".

  2. How sad for the little lady who couldn't knit anymore. I can't imagine getting to that point in my life. But what a wonderful gift to receive. No matter who used them, the countless stories intertwined in each and every needle.

    Knitting needles from the store... $10

    Knitting needles handed down from someone else's hands... priceless

  3. How neat that you was given a lovely gift and so wrong of someone to help themselves to a portion of it.

  4. It is so nice to have such a lovely gift with a history attached. So wrong of someone helping themselves to a part of it.

  5. I love that shot of the needles! If I'd taken it it would be my wallpaper for sure!


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