Monday, December 15, 2008

Another Fibery Fun Weekend

I have so much that I'd like to post. Unfortunately, most of it is Christmas gifts so I'll have to wait. I've been finishing a lot of gifts over the past couple of weeks and it feels sooo great! I finished another gift on Friday, one on Sunday, and yet another one this morning. I'm trying to decide on a couple patterns for more gifts. Many of them are fairly quick to make but they'll make nice gifts. They're all things that I'd love to receive so I hope the recipients love them too.

Another thing I can't wait to share is the fun I had at a LYS last Friday. They had a spinning night and they had asked several spinners to come and demonstrate. I figured it would be a great opportunity for me to take my wheel and do some spinning as well. I'm sooooo happy that I went. There were at lesat six people spinning. That was already fun! But, to add to the excitement... someone brought several angora bunnies. They are sooooooo cute!!! And, I finally got to see someone spin from the bunny. She had a towel on her lap with a huge bunny sitting on it. The bunny seemed content as the spinner kept plucking fiber from her and spinning it into soft, yummy yarn.

I've been joking with hubby about getting an angora bunny and that added to the temptation. I'm trying to resist though because I'd have to find someone to care for it whenever we travel. I am planning to visit the "bunny lady" to buy some fiber though. I've had a pattern picked out for years that requires a bit of angora yarn for a soft, halo like edge. I wish I had pictures to post from that night but I didn't take a camera. I was having too much fun to take pictures anyway. :-)

Friday night was a great start to a very nice weekend. My daughter had an orchestra rehearsal on Saturday morning in San Marcos. So, we dropped her off and ran some shopping errands, went to Starbucks and enjoyed coffee and a little knitting and reading (hubby) time, and I stopped in and checked out a yarn shop. I was able to spend a lot of time with my daughter this weekend. That was really nice. We did some shopping and we even did some crafting together. Here's something she's working on, it's a felted ball for our dog, Salsa....

I love how it's turning out. And, after such a hectic schedule over the past few months, it's so nice to see her enjoying a little peaceful, creative time.


  1. I just love those felted toy balls you make for your doggie. Guess I'll have to have you show me how to make them. I enjoyed another of your post and look forward to the "after" Christmas post when you post all the picks and talk about the things you've made and can't talk about.

  2. @#$%^&* I knew there was something I was supposed to go to on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh needle felting is sooo appealing to me! That ball your daughter is working on is fabulous - I can't believe its going to end up in a dog's mouth!

  4. I love the balls, but I'm thinking about for my decor. I am really getting excited for the new year to try new things. I tried my hand at a little needle felting but I'd like to get into it a little more. You've been getting my creative juices flowing and can't wait to start. Love it, Love it, Love it! btw, they are way too beautiful to give to the animals. Ughhhhhh I want them.


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