Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ravelry Rave

It seems like everyone I meet that knits or crochets is talking about Ravelry. If you haven't heard of it...check it out! It's amazing!

I joined it in January but didn't quite get what all the excitement was about. I've slowly been discovering how it works and some of the features on it. I love being able to search for all kinds of patterns and that you can search by type or yarn or....probably many other ways. I love that you can see how a pattern worked out for other people and see the results in pictures. I love that I can post my projects for others to see. I love that you can compliment people on their's and pick their projects as "faves" and vice versa. I recently discovered that you can have "friends" and I've found a bunch of people I know. I also recently found out about groups. Today I dove in to really see what that was about and...Wow! How fun! I found groups for people who knit and have Airedales; lovers of knitting/crochet and photography; deaf/hard of hearing/or deaf friendly that sign; spinners; weavers; sock knitters; those who love to make hats; etc., etc., etc. And, whenever I join a group I get a cute little label on my notebook. This is so much fun! Whoever invented Ravelry is a genious! It's fun, it's informative, it's helpful, it connects people, it inspires....It's great! I wonder what else I'll find on there?!

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