Friday, October 24, 2008

Experimental Spinning

I had an idea... Spin a bobbin of medium green, dark green and yellow, and spin a bobbin of royal blue and turquoise. Then, I'd ply them together. On each bobbin the colors would spin together randomly as I'd hold two different rovings together.They'd kinda of do their own thing, creating a unique and one of a kind yarn. It seemed like it would be really pretty.

Here's how the first bobbin was turning out...

After I spun the second bobbin with the blues and tried the two singles together it didn't seem like such a good idea anymore. I was trying to think outside the box. Maybe I was thinking too far outside the box.

I spent a couple of days figuring out what to do. I decided to spin another bobbin of blue and turquoise and ply them together. It turned out pretty but the process of trying to hold and spin two rovings together at the same time was a bit frustrating at times. I ended up with thin and thick spots, and tight and loose spots as I fiddled with the roving to get the colors to keep spinning around each other.

The singles turned out really pretty. However, when I plied them together they lost their individual details of the colors twirling around one another. The way it looks in the end result probably could have been achieved much easier by spinning a bobbin of blue and a bobbin of turquoise. But, maybe when it's used in a project the details will show up. At least they'll be fun to look at as it's being worked with.

Here's a close up where you can kind of see in each single how the colors wrap around one another like a candy cane...

The yarn is very pretty and I took a lot of pictures trying to capture the true colors and details but it's just not showing up the same in pictures. These are the best ones...

With a little evening sunshine...

Now, I need to figure out how I'm going to save the bobbin of greens and yellow. Hmmmm?


  1. HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Those totally rock. I can't wait to see these in person.

  2. Absolutely beautiful!!! I got to see them yesterday and the blues were stunning. That's a good name for those color tones, Midnight Sunshine. Oooooooooo pretty!

  3. That blue yarn is fabulous! How fun to be able to spin up something out of your head and try something totally new! What will you knit with it?


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